How to format usb drive to use on otg
How to format usb drive to use on otg

how to format usb drive to use on otg

Is it caused by your device or the OTG stick? To find this out, connect the OTG to some other device- a smartphone or a laptop. Well, if your struggle with the “usb otg android not working” error, the foremost thing you should do is to figure out where exactly the issue lies. In this article, we’re about to solve this issue- giving you a rundown of key reasons why USB OTG Android is not working and how to fix it. Even after trying multiple times, they find the devices showing connection errors of “USB OTG android not working”, or worst no connected at all. And this is pretty annoying, to say the least. You’ll get a pop-up on your screen, and this means the setup has been done. But for some Android users, this seemingly easy process doesn’t go so smooth- for one reason or another. Just connect the cable in the Micro USB slot, and attach the flash drive/peripheral at the other end.

how to format usb drive to use on otg how to format usb drive to use on otg

Setting up the connection between an OTG and an Android device is simple.

How to format usb drive to use on otg